Tuesday 15 September 2015



Dear Subscribers,
We appreciate your presence here, we are ready to give you the best experience as we start this series WHY YOU NEED AN EVENT PLANNER, we intend to discuss event as a project, the event management concept and who an event planner is in the first series as the knowledge will help in understanding the need for an event planner.
We hope to receive feedback from you and we promise to respond promptly to all questions.

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What is a project?

 Projects are exhaustible and involve activities that must be completed within a given frame of time on a specific budget. They require efficient planning and adoption of a system of management rules.

A project is said to be successful if it is finished on time, achieved within budget cost and satisfies the goal/taste or expectation(s) of the end user/ client/stakeholders.

Image result for Pictures of signifying project management

Therefore event is a project as it is something that happens at a given place and time. To successfully complete a project, project management skills must be employed. As a project manager is needed to coordinate all the activities geared towards achieving the set goals of the project so is an event planner.


What is Event Management?

We have various definitions for event management but the definition below perfectly defines the concept of event management:

Event management is the application of project management skills to the creation and development of large scale events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, formal parties, concerts, or conventions. It involves studying the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event- Wikipedia

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In summary the entire processes involved in having a successful event is called Event Management. The processes involve planning from scratch to finish. The basic principles of planning can be applied to almost all events but it should be noted that every event has its own specialty and it is expected that all the dynamics of each event is well understood.



An event planner is someone who coordinates all aspects of professional meetings and events. Event planners are responsible for coordinating major details of an event like venue selection, vendor selection, event content, event design, branding, marketing and communication strategy, multimedia productions, scriptwriting, logistics, budgeting, negotiation and guest relations. 

An event planner takes clients through the planning process step by step till the event goals are achieved.

The event planner is the head of the execution team for an event; the event planner is the personnel the stakeholders (Client) presents the total idea of the event to and expected to bring such ideas/goals to reality. So it is safe to say an event planner is the ARCHITECT of an event.

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To be continued .......................................

 Thanks for reading, stay connected to Babylayo's Exquisite Touch, your best connection when it comes to event solutions.......

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